Information about Hereditas shares

Life Annuity Institution Hereditas Ltd is an unlisted company with one series of shares. Each share carries one vote.

Number of shares: 59 573 858

ISIN: FI4000219811

Historic net asset value


For more detailed quarterly information, please consult our portfolio reports: Portfolio report and investments

Dividend policy


Hereditas' dividend history 2009-2022 (2009-2015 life annuity)

Hereditas pays a dividend once a year. The goal is to annually distribute 3–5% of the net asset value to shareholders, as well as to ensure a stable and gradually increasing distribution. The distribution can take the form of dividends, capital repayment, or a combination of the two. The sum of distributions and share repurchases must not exceed 8% of the mathematical value of the share in taxation.

Frequently asked questions

How are the shares registered?

Around 3–4% of Hereditas shares remain unregistered since the company’s shares were entered in the Euroclear book-entry system. We ask shareholders who have not yet registered their shares to contact Aktia Bank’s customer service at +358 10 247 010 for help with registering the shares. From 30.11.2026 the General Meeting may decide that the right to the share recorded in the book-entry system and the rights carried by it have been forfeited for shares that has not been registered to the book-entry system. Shares should be registered before that date.

How are Hereditas shares taxed?

Hereditas does not provide taxation advice to its shareholders.

Where can I buy/sell Hereditas shares?

Considering that Hereditas is an unlisted company, the company’s shares are traded quite actively. For example, more than 2 million shares changed owners in 2021.

Hereditas is not involved in the trading of its own shares. We know two brokers who trade relatively frequently in Hereditas shares: Hans Segercrantz from United Bankers and Ville Takala from Pareto. They can be contacted at: and Hereditas do not have an agreement with these brokers and do not have any responsibility for trades with the company’s shares.